Wednesday, December 26, 2007

the day after christmas!!

today is the day after christmas. and i am still admiring my christmas presents. i have my mom to think for that. i had discovered but my mom went on and bought everything i put in my cart. i had out something called a bundle in my cart. its when they pick out four skeins of South West Trading Company's Karaoke* of matching colors and send them to you. then i picked out some sock yarn that they ended up not having but they sent my mom an email and suggested another color way which is just as good if not better as the color i picked. also i got some needles an awesome tape measurer and some fiber...i need to buy a drop spindle for it. also i got a pink digital camera from my brother and his girlfriend.

well i hope everyone had a very merry christmas!! and i will write more later!!!


p.s. they had a bunch of other bundles to choose from but i picked the swtc karaoke one because it was the cheapest and i liked the element of surprise it gave.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

7 days to christmas!!!

so my favorite holiday is going to be here in 7 days. less than that actually because it is almost ten p.m. on tuesday night. so its almost 6 days!! i love holidays. i learn so much about myself and other people. i love giving and recieving. its so fun to watch peoples faces when they open sometihng you made or something you thought so hard about and took time to find. but it is kind of sad...can't think of a better word...when the thing you thought this person would love doesn't actually like it.

but what i've learned is i like blogging. i have been on the computer a lot in the past week or so. mostly blogging and on ravelry. i've been adding pictures and what not.

i would like to thank sarah from knits of a teen for giving me my first comment! :) you can find her blog at

something else i've been doing is contemplating doing a podcast. i love listening to them. and i feel like i could create one that other teens and other knitters in general would like. but i don't think my mom would let me do it. i am pretty independent for a 15 year old. but my mom is "nosey" i suppose. she needs to know time and dates pretty far in advance. lately she has been surprisingly laid back. i'm worried... :). well its getting kinda late considering i have school in the morning. ug school...i'll illaberate (is that even close to how to spell it??? i don't think so. i say that word quite often but have never had to spell it. i think i did pretty good) later...but maybe not.


p.s. i realize i have spelling errors besides the previously mentioned word but blogger is being weird so i can't fix it without re-typing the entire post.

Monday, December 17, 2007

my so called scarf

it is almost 7 days to christmas. i have been trying to find a scarf i could make for my mom. i finally remembered that i have this yarn from berroco in this multi tonal blue. and it is a slub yarn. i really like and i hope my mom will too. i'm using the pattern my so called scarf. the pattern looks woven. its from so far so good. i will post pictures soon. hopefully tomorrow depending on if i get far on it and if i have school.

today, there wasn't any school. we got like 12+ inches where i live. they already have a two hour delay posted. the roads look clear so i am anticipating only the two hour delay. but i hope i'm wrong. this week is the last week before we start christmas break. last week we had monday and tuesday off so i hope that happens this week too. that would be amazing.

well i will write more later. hopefully i get readers soon!!


Saturday, December 15, 2007

10 days til christmas

well the countdown to christmas is getting smaller and smaller. i have a little more than a week to finish two bags. they are the same purse but different colors and for two people. one is for my brother's girlfriend, allison and my best friend amber. i'm making the bag tasha from knitty. in the pattern the knitter made it in one color but i thougth it would look "better" i suppose in two colors. one bag is in brown and white...looks better than it sounds. the other is in black and white. on the black and white one i am going to use duplicate stitch to put a skull and crossbones. i hope it turns out like i think it will.

lately i have been spending a lot of my time blogging and on ravelry. on monday last week school was cancelled and in that time off i joined 60 groups on ravelry. i may have to cut it down because i am only active on a few of them. mainly my penpal group and teen knitters groups.

well i will write more later...more about me and my love of knitting and what not.



well i had to change blogs. i completely spaced on my information for blogger sign in. so it was easier to just make a new one.